Health care policy as different from the health care happens to be on infrastructural issues like financing and delivery of health care, quality of care, studies on special and disadvantaged populations and others and below some of the courseware providing free online learning are given below.
Eat Well for Less
This course ware as provided by the Oregon State University is planned and prepared for healthy low cost meals. The complete course ware is divided into three modules consisting Pyramid Power, We Wish You Well and Stretching Your Food Dollars.
Introductory Nutrition
Under this course ware by university of Texas an exhaustive information is provided for carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and their digestion, absorption, transport and metabolism. Studies are also presented over here for source of nutrition in foods, reasons for their deficiency in body.
Introduction to Human Nutrition
This courseware as presented by University of California at Berkeley discuses about source of nutrients and effect of nutrition on health and human body. The main objective and focus of this course ware is to meet with objective of dealing with world wide problem of food and nutrition.
Labeling Packaged Food
This courseware is for instruction and labeling of food articles which are packed. This course ware provides various directions and directives from Food and drug administration for packaging of food article to keep them fresh and eatable even after the date of packing.
This open course ware let one to learn about fundamentals of nutrition, low digestion and metabolism. An aspirant would also learn about macronutrients and micronutrients after reading through this courseware. This course ware is provided by Western Governors University.
Nutrition for Everyone
This particular course ware as provided by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has provided dietary information in an easy to grasp outline as provided for links for further information.
Understanding Human Nutrition
This courseware is to aid and help others to understand one’s need for his and family’s diet on a broader scale it helps to understand dietary requirement at large in school, hospitals and residential care.
Vitamin Village
This course ware separated in different modules addresses need and benefits aroused from vitamin A,C,D, E and K and introduction to antioxidants.
Food and Nutrition Policy
The purpose of this courseware is to present with steps and policies as related to various policy making decisions that are related to nutrition problems and issues and this courseware is presented with Johns Hopkins University.
Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
It is the sole school of nutrition in North America that provides free courseware to graduates to teach about the various measures to improve health and well being of people in America and around the globe.
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