A career in health administration means much more today than it has in the past — global epidemics, a focus on an aging population and insurance and hospital financial woes create a huge impact on this industry. The following top 10 most influential health administration professors all focus on these fields of research in one way or another, and their accomplishments also are a reflection on the colleges and universities where they work. While this list provides just a sampling of some outstanding health administration professors across the nation, it can provide you with some idea of what you might want to look for in a professor for your health education and career.
The following list is arranged alphabetically by surname. Please follow the links to learn more about each individual and their university and college health education departments.
Dr. Gerard Anderson is a professor of health policy and management and professor of international health at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School Public Health, professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Hospital Finance and Management and co-director of the Johns Hopkins Program for Medical Technology and Practice Assessment. His current research focuses on chronic conditions, comparative insurance systems in developing countries, medical education, health care payment reform, and technology diffusion. Dr. Anderson previous held various positions in the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, where he helped to develop Medicare prospective payment legislation.
Dr. Elizabeth H. Bradley currently is professor of public health and director of Global Health Initiatives at the School of Public Health and directs the Health Management Program in the School of Public Health at Yale University. She has pioneered a new approach to applying a mixed methods to first characterize and then test statistically key distinguishing features of higher and lower performing hospitals in cardiovascular care, and her research focuses on health delivery and quality improvement. She is a member of the World Economic Forum, Network of Global Agenda Councils, and the Steering Committee for the Open Educational Resources in Public Health Conference, aimed at developing innovative ways to enhance health system delivery in global settings.
Dr. Joseph Coyne is interim chair, professor and director for the Center for International Health Services Research & Policy at Washington State University. His research centers on international health system comparative analysis, decision science, risk analysis and health care finance and accounting. Dr. Coyne, whose works are widely cited in leading textbooks, has held a Visiting Professor appointment at the Bocconi School of Management in Milan, Italy, and is an internationally recognized health care finance expert. He has served as international adviser to numerous organizations, including the French Ministry of Health, German Ministry of Health, Danish Ministry of Health, and Beijing Association of Teaching Hospitals.
Dr. Alison Evans Cuellar is an associate professor in health administration and policy at George Mason University. She has extensive research experience in health care systems, Medicaid, mental health, and justice involved populations. Her contributions include work on identifying and evaluating new organizational forms, such as hospital systems and physician alliances, and their effects on quality, efficiency, costs, prices, and technology adoption. Her work has been published in several journals, including Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Journal of Health Economics, American Journal of Public Health, among others.
Dr. Beverly A. Cigler is professor of Public Policy and Administration, SPA, and director, Pennsylvania Program to Improve State and Local Government, School of Public Affairs, both positions held at Penn State Harrisburg. She has co-edited or authored nine books and is a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration, faculty associate for the Legislative Office for Research Liaison (LORL) in Pennsylvania. She has earned the National Public Administration Award for Intergovernmental Research; Friend of County Government from the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania, the Honor Roll of Distinguished Women, and a Special Recognition from the Academy of Excellence in County Government.
Ronald Fischbach, PH.D. has been a professor of health science at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) for more than thirty-five years. From 2006 to 2008, he served as Associate Dean of CSUN’s College of Health and Human Development. In 2003, he pioneered the curriculum for an innovative approach to early childhood developmental assessment, and — in that same year — co-created an online simulation as a problem-based learning approach for health educators. He has numerous publications, with a focus on learning-based methodologies.
Dr. Sue Goldie is the Roger Irving Lee Professor of Public Health in the Department of Health Policy and Management and Director of the Center for Health Decision Science in the Harvard School of Public Health. Her work spans the range of field work for program development to evidence-based analysis to inform complex and difficult policy decisions. Her methodological work involves the development and validation of models linking the natural history of a disease and its epidemiology to population-based outcomes. She has received numerous teaching and mentorship awards, and has served as the co-director of the Executive Committee of the Harvard Initiative for Global Health for the last 2 years.
Dr. Elizabeth Graddy is a professor, holds the Jeffrey J. Miller Chair in Government, Business, and the Economy and is Vice Dean at the University of Southern California (USC) School of Policy, Planning and Development, where she teaches courses in quantitative analysis, governance, and business and government. Her research focuses on the private sector role in public service delivery, how industry and organizational structure affect performance, and how information asymmetry and uncertainty affect institutional design and effectiveness. These interests have led to her work on the structure and performance of healthcare, philanthropic, and nonprofit organizations.
Dr. LaDon L. Jones is an associate professor of health education and the director of the master of health administration program in the University of Memphis’ School of Public Health. In 2009, he was selected to participate in the Maxine Smith Fellows Program of the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR), the governing body for 45 universities, community colleges, and technology centers throughout the state. He also has served as vice president of technology and instructional resources and chief information officer at Baptist College of Health Sciences in Memphis, TN. He was a fellow in 2001-2002, serving at the University Of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver, Colorado.
Dr. Steven Aker Mosher has served as the director of the Health Care Administration Program at Mary Baldwin College since 1989, and also is a professor of health care administration and political science. His focus throughout the years has been on long-term care, with special interests in strategic management, global health and quality of care. Dr. Mosher is an active member in a variety of professional organizations including the International Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing, the Association of University Programs in Health Administration, and he served for 14 years on the Planning Committee of the Augusta Health Care, Inc. The undergraduate program in health care administration that Dr. Mosher directs is one of only 44 such programs in the United States and Canada to be fully certified by the Association of University Programs in Health Administration. The program is also the only one of its type to be endowed.
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