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Health administration careers hold promise as some of the most exciting careers in healthcare today. Healthcare administrators often plan, coordinate, and supervise the functions of healthcare facilities and the staff that work at those institutions. Additionally, healthcare administrators often are called upon to maintain and develop professional standards and policies. They also may be responsible for developing and expanding programs for scientific research, preventive medicine, medical and vocational rehabilitation, and community health and welfare. The following list of 40 outstanding health administration job sites offer all these responsibilities and more — such as support services through organizations created specifically for leaders in health administration. [click to continue…]

Top 20 Health Administrators of the Decade

by Linda on September 2, 2010

Less than a handful of the following top 20 health administrators of the decade began their careers during the past ten years. Most of the honorees began their health careers at least two decades prior, but their efforts have accumulated to present some of the most rewarding health administrative careers to date for this century. Additionally, you can discover that not all health administrators studied management in college, as these leaders came from various walks of life. All twenty individuals are listed alphabetically by surname. [click to continue…]

The effort to fill health care jobs online remains steady, even in the career of health administration. While many health administration jobs are listed at larger job sites such as, our list of the top 50 Web tools to find health administration jobs focuses on smaller job search venues, such as health care career sites, niche jobs and health care recruiting agencies. Each link below is listed alphabetically within those three categories, and leads directly to job listings or to the site where you can apply for health administration positions. [click to continue…]

Top 50 Healthcare MBA Blogs

by admin on February 18, 2010

Healthcare is expected to be one of the “growth” industries over the next 10 years. This is because there is a combination of continued health issues for the population, as well as the fact that an aging population (especially the baby boomers) will need increased care. Healthcare services are expected to continue to grow, and someone with training and education in a healthcare field could conceivably do quite well. A MBA in healthcare or health services management may be just the ticket. Here are 50 of the top healthcare MBA blogs that can get you headed in the right direction: [click to continue…]