Any movement, organizational development and process with big aims are not accomplishable without the help of proper leadership. And history is witness that since ages every big victory or movement ended into the success only under an ablest leader. Here tips are provided on some of the leadership experts who you can meet at Twitter discussing and telling about their thoughts and ideas.
John Maxwell: He is an international figure in leadership expertise, oration speaking and have sold out nearly 13 million books. His company is known for teaching more than 2 million leaders worldwide. He spends out his time among International Government leaders and organization as diversified as much like as United States Military Academy to National Football League.
Stephen Covey: An MBA postgraduate from Harvard University and a doctorate degree holder from Brigham Young University spend out his time in providing leadership tips to individuals, families and organizations. He is an international best seller of famous books, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People that is cited as the Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century.
John Piper: He is a pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota and author of more than 30 books and has teaching experience of 25 years. He is known for his sermons at the church and views on leadership.
Tom Peters: One of the foremost business thinkers of the present era and compared to Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman he is a frequent speaker and author on topic of business and leadership.
Jack Welch: A business writer of extensively read The Welch Way, the column get published in BusinessWeek magazine and is published in more than 45 major newspapers of New York Times syndicate. He is presently working at Jack Welch, LLC where he works as a Special Partner with the private equity firm, Clayton, Dublier & Rice and is a consultant to IAC (Interactive Corp).
Meg Whitman: She was quite passionate about business, leadership, and for aiding people to achieve their dreams. In her career of 30 years she was aiding to companies like Stride Rite, Bain & Company, and Procter & Gamble. In 1998, she joined a startup company Silicon Valley with only 30 employees and let it to reach and touch heights at its present status right now.
Anthony Robbins: Highly watched out and imbibed author and speaker is known for pioneering genre of present successful authors.
Ken Blanchard: Designated as Chief Spirituality Leader of The Ken Blanchard Companies he is known for his authority on topic of leadership.
Mark Driscoll: One of the prominent voices in leadership, he is senior pastor at Mars Hill Church. His sermons are downloaded more than a million times in a year.
Robin Sharma: He is one of the most read authors of the world for authoring genuine books like The Greatness Guide and The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and book has been translated into nearly 50 languages.
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